Learning Realistic Art is Like Learning a New Language

A question came in recently about using abstract shapes and straight lines to plan out realistic...

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Tips for Your First Life Drawing Session

Is it awkward to be in a room with a naked person? What materials should you bring? Should you...

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Should you study anatomy, general drawing, or life drawing first?

Recently I received a question by email that I think a lot of us have had at some point: Does it...

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How to Get Yourself to Create

Do you want to draw or paint, but find yourself floundering when you finally have time, only to...

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The Worst Advice I Received as a Developing Artist

If you receive advice anything like what I describe in this video: DELETE, DISCARD, DO NOT...

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Do I Need to Go to Art School to Be an Artist?

Do you dream of being a professional artist, but going to an art school, college, or atelier...

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Am I Too Old to Become an Artist?

Do you regret not starting your art practice sooner? It’s easy to feel like we missed out...

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