Art School for

the Rest of Us

You don't have to attend an art school to
become an artist. Learn to make realistic
drawings and paintings, even if you're a beginner!

Totally new to drawing? Click here!

Free Beginner Drawing Course

Classes Open for Enrollment

Classical Drawing

Thursdays 6-8 pm
July 25th - September 19th, 2024
Discover French Academic methods. Great for beginners & those seeking strong drawing skills.
8 Week Class
$220 Virtual attendance
$425 In-Studio Includes materials

Portrait Painting in Oil

Wednesdays 6-8 pm
August 14th - September 18th, 2024
Learn how to capture people's essence on canvas from photo references.
6 Week Class
$185 Virtual attendance
$425Ā In-studio includes all materials

Sketching Facial FeaturesĀ Mini-Workshop

Virtual Mini-Workshop
Friday, AugustĀ 30th,Ā 2024Ā 12-2pm CT
Explore portrait drawing through sketching individual features in this live online workshop. Class will be recorded for those who can't make the live event.


Portrait Drawing in GraphiteĀ & Charcoal

Saturdays 12:30-2:30pm CT
September 7th - October 12th, 2024
Move past tracing, gridding,Ā & projecting andĀ learn to draw portraits yourself!
6 Week Class
$165 Virtual attendance
$375 In-studio includes materials

Foundations of Oil Painting: In-Studio

Wednesdays 6-8:30pm CT
October 2nd - November 20th, 2024
8 Week Class
$240 Virtual attendance
$475 In-studio includes materials

Figure Drawing in Charcoal

In-Studio Class
Thursdays 6-8 pm CT
October 3rd - November 14th, 2024
(October 31st is skipped.)
6 Week Class
$375 In-studio includes all materials

Figure Drawing Academy: Foundations

VirtualĀ 6 Week Class
October 3rd - November 7th, 2024
$165 Includes instructional videos, a reference library, and video feedback!

Work smARTer when studying art at home with
On-Demand Video Classes!

Maintain consistent progress through free and affordable video courses created for your ability level!

No more plateaus or feeling aimless or stuck.

Find the course for your level and goal, with options for feedback and help from a professional artist.

See Video Courses

FREE Sketching Video Course

If you can't draw a stick figure, you need a little guidance for how to even get started drawing, and you have paper and a pencil, then you're ready to start the challenge! Get 5 free sketching lessons including reference photos.

Start Drawing!

Learn From a Professional Artist Who Didn't Go to Art School

When I was 15, I knew I wanted to be an artist.

At 16, I became a mother.

I wouldn't say that motherhood prevented me from going to art school, but it did force me to think critically about the decision. I graduated from high school with the rest of my class, and went on to get my Associates in Studio Art, graduating Summa Cum Laude.

However, I found that the instruction I found in college wasn't teaching me what I really wanted to know: How to paint and draw realistically. And being a mother meant my priorities dictated that I should not go into an incredible amount of debt to 'find myself' in a 4 year art school somewhere.

So instead, I dedicated every evening from 8pm until midnight to painting, seeking out feedback from artists I admired, and researching methods of art instruction from the French Academy to Golden Age Illustration. I created my own art education, and I can guide you through yours!

Check out Lacey Swift's art website.

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Newsletters go out each Tuesday and include video tutorials, free PDFs and challenges, and info about upcoming events. We value your privacy.